25 October 2009

Adventure in hope

I'm off for my first job interview in eleven years. Frightening. On paper it's a good fit, combining attractive aspects of my last three career-level positions, and asking for skills in which I showed some proficiency in those three positions. Plus they've got four openings, which may preclude the possibility of a "strong internal candidate," and that should quadruple my chances, right? Of course, one wonders why they have four openings .... but, hey, on the theory that there is better than here, why not?

Note: this was originally posted on ketches, yaks & hawks 18 October 2007


sanderling said...

At least 4 openings means they think librarians are worth having.

Note: originally submitted by AK on 21 October 2007

sanderling said...

Well … they just did a major reorg of the library, going from a traditional library with 30+ FTE to a service more closely representing CRS with about 8 fewer FTE. In the process, they shifted from having a lot of PT to all FT, so a lot of folk headed for the doors. Interesting shift, and quite possibly an interesting place to be, but I’m not sure they think librarians are worth having …. (Does anybody these days?)

Note: originally submitted by Sanderling on 22 October 2007

sanderling said...

Job interviews are eerily similar to first dates. So… is this a match made in heaven? Or, someone to be dumped on the roadside?

Note: Originally submitted by Louise 26 October 2007

sanderling said...

I dunno. To continue the metaphor, you don’t really know until you’ve tried living together for a while, now do you?

Note: originally submitted by Sanderling 26 October 2007