31 October 2009

A key to unlocking a vital door to peace

The key to nearly the full range of conflicts in the Middle East is the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict which establishes a viable Palestinian state and leads to a secure Israel, thereby removing a casus belli within the Middle East and leading ultimately to the furtherance of regional prosperity and peace. I've become increasingly convinced that the political forces holding that key reside in America and shape the direction of American policy towards the region.

In that light, I recommend an opinion piece appearing in today's New York Times by Jeffrey Goldberg, a correspondent for The Atlantic, who argues that the long-range interests of Israel depend upon the emergence of a Palestinian state and that American supporters of Israel must come to realize what many Israelis already know, that the Israel that they value cannot continue to exist unless the emergence of such a state is encouraged.

Goldberg's column can be found through this link to the Times.

Note: this was originally posted on ketches, yaks & hawks 18 May 2008

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