24 October 2009

Leave Iraq

I have felt since before it began that the war in Iraq was illegal, inappropriate, ill-conceived and ineptly executed. I was hardly alone, but for quite a long time the political and media leaders who work so hard to shape public opinion had most of America believing that opponents of the war were misguided and unduly shrill, if not unpatriotic and cowardly. But as the war wore on and on, more and more eyes opened to the mass deception that permitted the war to begin and the colossal failure of the administration's conduct of the war. To its credit, the New York Times recognized some time ago its complicity in that deception, and began stating its opposition in stronger and stronger terms. Tomorrow (Sunday, July 8, 2007) the Times is publishing a cogent case for leaving Iraq which makes the case for the United States leaving Iraq now. I commend it to your attention.

Note: this was first posted on ketches, yaks & hawks 7 July 2007

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