27 October 2009

Nearer my god to thee

And again. Coming to a city near you.

"Gunman Kills 2 at Missionary Dormitory Near Denver." Two more points for the N.R.A. and its sycophants. Yeah, yeah, yeah, guns don't kill people; people kill people. But they sure make it a whole lot easier. Let's get rid of the damn things.

Somehow, a society that does its utmost to confront hate and prevent murder is going to be nearer God than this one.

Note: this was originally posted on ketches, yaks & hawks 9 December 2007


sanderling said...

What the media OUGHT to be stressing is this: “Previous gunman all but forgotten.” Would he have opened fire in Omaha if he had known that the story would only last two days?

Note: originally submitted by AK 10 December 2007

sanderling said...

Perhaps we should begin rethinking gun laws…

And, I second what AK said.

Note: originally submitted by Jamelle 11 December 2007

sanderling said...

Indeed, it’s more of the same. What are the root causes? Gun makers? Lawmakers? Hollywood? American society? Mis-firing brain cells?

Won’t it be nice in our way way distant future if we won’t even conceive of violence, let alone act it out. My father-in-law says I’m whistling Dixie in imagining that such a day might come, but I hope we evolve out of this devolved and toxic state.

Note: originally submitted by Linda 13 December 2007